Biennial Precinct Meetings

HD Chairs did you return your Precinct Packets?

We’ve been busy. Oklahoma County GOP has moved from the previous headquarters at 2019 Heritage Park Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (our lease was up yesterday) to our temporary digs at:

OK GOP State Headquarters
4031 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Tel: 405-849-5198 (Phones are in the process of being ported over by Cox.)

All precinct packets from the Biennial Precinct Meetings should have been returned to Donna Rice-Johnson by now. If you have not returned yours, please deliver to Donna at the OK GOP State headquarters (Dewey F. Bartlett Center) between 10AM and 3PM on Monday.

****IMPORTANT*** Anyone who missed their precinct meetings due to a legitimate reason needs to contact their Precinct Chair (or County GOP office) and have their name added to the Biennial Precinct meeting paperwork by February 7.  Anyone approved February 8 or after must go through Credentials at the County Convention.

The Oklahoma County Convention will be held at Higher Plain Baptist Church, 6810 NW 122nd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73142. Check in begins at 8:00AM and convention meeting starts at 9:00AM. Entrance fee is $10. We will have food trucks on property for convenience during lunch break. 

Committee Chairs
1.    Rules/Convention Rules – Steve Dickson
2.    Platform – Casey Wooley
3.    Resolutions – Chris Martin
4.    Credentials – Cheryl Williams

Elections will be held for County Chairman and Vice Chairman, State Committee persons (2), and Congressional District 3, 4, and 5 committee persons (2 per district).

  • Anyone planning to run for an office needs to let the county office know immediately. 
  • We will hold a candidate forum for all candidates prior to the convention. Working on details now (date, time and location) and will notify you as soon as we know.
  • Candidates must check in with the secretary at the convention before the convention is officially called to order.


Grassroots Opportunities

Let’s get the party growing!

Grow your precinct.

Be boots on the ground and get involved in your local precinct. Not sure what precinct you are in or who to contact? Call the OKCOGOP headquarters and ask!  Call 405-849-5198. Read State Party Rule 5 about Precinct Committees. If you are a Precinct Chair (or other officer), go to our Precinct page for tools.

Precinct Chairs are the backbone of the Oklahoma County Republican Party. We are actively recruiting to fill open seats. Interested? Call us at 405-849-5198!


Sign up for training.

It goes without saying that either training opportunity requires that the registrant is a registered Republican.

The precinct training will take place in your own precinct. Your House District Chair will organize and coordinate the precinct training with each of the registrants.

The Voter Gravity training takes place on Tuesdays (2PM or 6PM) at our OKCOGOP headquarters. Once you register and your credentials are verified, someone will contact you to schedule a convenient day and time and provide you with the details.