Grassroots Opportunities
Let’s get the party growing!
Grow your precinct.
Be boots on the ground and get involved in your local precinct. Not sure what precinct you are in or who to contact? Call the OKCOGOP headquarters and ask! Call 405-849-5198. Read State Party Rule 5 about Precinct Committees. If you are a Precinct Chair (or other officer), go to our Precinct page for tools.
Sign up for training.
It goes without saying that either training opportunity requires that the registrant is a registered Republican.
The precinct training will take place in your own precinct. Your House District Chair will organize and coordinate the precinct training with each of the registrants.
The Voter Gravity training takes place on Tuesdays (2PM or 6PM) at our OKCOGOP headquarters. Once you register and your credentials are verified, someone will contact you to schedule a convenient day and time and provide you with the details.